Robin Shapiro
Although I have different interests or diversions from Figurative work, I always come back to the human form as my main inspiration. The paintings in this gallery span my entire career and are grouped materially, textually and thematically., rather than chronologically. My influences are Henri Matisse, David Hockney, Jim Dine, Richard Diebenkorn, the German Expressionists, and the Bay Area Figurative Painters.
I like to work fast, reacting in the moment, using materials that dry quickly and add texture. I want the viewer to see the process in the work and journey with me to the final product. I am not interested in creating an illusion of perfection. Painting the human form is a sub-conscious extension of my relationships in the world. When working with a model, I draw quick outlines of the pose. I start applying large areas of color, pushing and pulling the paint while creating shapes. Then, I step back to find the relationships between the colors and the shapes; I stop thinking about the figure and try to assist the dance between color, shape, texture, figure and pose. A piece has to work on all sides, and before it is done, I hang it sideways and upside down to make sure that it is balanced.
I hope that my work causes a visceral reaction; that one sees something in the work when viewed at distance; that it transforms before them when the materials and textures are seen close up.
The Figurative Series
Gallery 1
The Yoga Series
Gallery 2
Ever since I can remember, I've had my hands in paint. I don't remember a time when art-making was not a part of my life. I want the viewer to see the process of the work in the work. The piece becomes a map, of sorts, guiding the viewer to the arrival of the final image. I am not interested in creating an illusion of perfection, or a copy of reality, but rather my own experience with time. Each step of the process contributes to and comments upon the final piece.
Yoga is an intregal part of my life now. While working on these pieces, I think about my own personal practice; how it makes me feel, but also the structure of the pose. The limbs go beyond the page because yoga takes me beyond the mat. The movement and fluidity from one pose to another takes me to places where I continue to grow physically and mentally.
I love working with collage. Each piece has a history that starts a new life when it's integrated. Some of the pieces I use link my past experience to people and places that have a significance to me. The pieces in this gallery were made between 2007 - 2009.
*All works in this gallery are of mixed media collage on paper.
H: 56" x 40" c. 2007
H: 18" x W: 24" c. 2009
(Adho Mukha Svanasana) H: 57" x W: 69" c. 2007
H: 56" x 40" c. 2007
H: 43" x W: 30" c. 1996 acrylic on paper
c. 1996 acrylic on paper
H: 43" x W: 30" c. 1996 acrylic on paper